The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17336   Message #167687
Posted By: Bert
24-Jan-00 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Spiegel's Trading Post and Tavern
Subject: RE: Mudcat Spiegel's Trading Post and Tavern
Nah, that's a good un, Maffew me ol' china. Yers, lemme fink abaht it. Nah I've gort sum spring steel, aht back in me wagon there. If I woz tuh drill a few smaller 'oles in me drawin' plate, I fink I might be able ter git yer wire fin enuf, might take free or four goes. Then we could scrahnge sum silver orf ov one ov them minuhs wot just walked in, an draw that aht ever finer. 'course yud 'av ter wind that be 'and though.