The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88890   Message #1676932
Posted By: John MacKenzie
23-Feb-06 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Troll spotting
Subject: RE: BS: Troll spotting
If you are implying that the word facetious has a shared linguistic root with the word fascist you're wrong.
fa·ce·tious    Pronunciation Key (f-sshs)

    Playfully jocular; humorous: facetious remarks.

[French facétieux, from facétie, jest, from Latin factia, from factus, witty.]
fas·cist    Pronunciation Key (fshst)

   1. often Fascist An advocate or adherent of fascism.
   2. A reactionary or dictatorial person.


   1. often Fascist Of, advocating, or practicing fascism.
   2. Fascist Of or relating to the regime of the Fascisti.

[Italian fascista, from fascio, group. See fascism.]fas·cistic (f-shstk) adj.