The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88795   Message #1676961
Posted By: Rapparee
23-Feb-06 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'The Scottish Play'
Subject: RE: BS: 'The Scottish Play'
I've seen several productions of Macbeth -- NONE had trouble and in one, at the University of Notre Dame, they broke house attendance records.

As for the Astor Place riots, there were other factors involved as well. Go look it up; I'm not doing your work for you.

When I was doing tech work, several things were considered unlucky: putting the bulbs in the fresnels wrong, missing your footing in the flies, falling on the Director, skidding off the stage and into the audience, and others.

Now, my very own brother was playing the Chorus in Antigone and was hit by a car immediately after leaving final dress & tech. He spent the night in the hospital and had to wear a long toga for the run instead of the short one. The next night the leading lady took ill. Finally, the Director said, "If anyone else gets sick or injured I'LL play the part!" -- since he was, shall we say?, rotund, the woman playing Antigone got well in a hurry. None of which makes "Antigone" a cursed play.