The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17384   Message #167754
Posted By: Susan-Marie
24-Jan-00 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Winter: A Dirge (Robert Burns)
Subject: Q on tune for Burn's 'Winter'
According to the DT, the tune for Winter: a Dirge is MacPherson's Rant (196). There's no MacPherson's Rant in the DT but there is a MacPherson's Lament with a tune that fits "Winter" structurally. However, it's not a dirge-like tune at all, more of a march. Can someone who knows "Winter" tell me if MacPherson's Lament as in the DT is the right tune and if not, post a midi or ABC file. I need something to sing on my winter walks...many thanks.