The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1678785
Posted By: GUEST,dianvan
25-Feb-06 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: BS: Who are the UAE?
There is so much controversy about the control of U.S. (and Canadian) ports by the UAE, I have been doing a little research on this country which seems to play both ends against the middle.

I have found that it is Muslim and operates under Sharia law.

I have found that it is a monarchy and that all of its government is appointed.

I have found that over half of its population is from southern Asia (the work force).

In other words its a country with no middle class. Its a country of very rich shieks who control a population of very poor people.

I have also found (Persian Journal) the following:

"United Arab Emigrates- The sex trade is flourishing in the United Arab Emigrates (UAE). Women from all over the world are sent to work in the UAE as prostitutes; reports suggest that Iranian women between the ages of 14-20 are the most desired (is this sick or what!?!). The government of Iran is denying that trafficking of women for the sex trade in a fellow Muslim nation exists. By "coincedence" the government of Iran is arresting journalists who report stories about Iranians sold into the sex trade. Despite the denial, in 2005, the Iranian government arrested 25 smugglers who were bringing girls into the UAE. The UAE does not recognize a girl who has been sold into the sex trade as a victim--as a female, she is the perpetrator because of her gender. Women from Uzbekistan are also popular among the sex trade in the UAE, one report states that there are more women from Uzbekistan in the UAE than from any other country in Central Asia (Protection Project).

Women and children sold into the sex trade into the UAE are either kidnapped, sold by poor families, enticed by fraudulent marriages or fraudulent work proposals. Other forms of crime are also thriving along with the sex trade--drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. Dubai is a particularly attractive place to do business because it is tax-free and the government is lax on Shari'a. Wealthy sheikhs are known to buy young boys as camel jockeys, and police often ignore reports of trafficking because they are corrupt.

And although prostitution is illegal in the emirate, this appalling trade in human flesh is a high-profile activity in a region which hosts Islam's two holiest places - Makkah and Madinah. Even the self-appointed custodians of the shrines approve of the racket, travelling to Dubai to indulge themselves...

Hundreds of children, some as young as five, are forced to ride on camels in desert races on which huge sums are gambled. Their terrified screams make the camels run faster. And like prostitution, the employment of young jockeys is illegal in the UAE (since 1993) but the authorities also turn a blind eye. Again, like the prostitutes, many of the child jockeys are Muslim children who are being ruthlessly exploited and are in dire need of rescue.
(Prostitution in Dubai, M.A. Shaikh)

Laws on camel jockeying in the UAE have been tightened in March 2005, and a 24-hour hotline has been established to report any suspicious activity. Most, are skeptical that the UAE will ever enforce justice," It's futile to complain because the traffickers here operate with almost total impunity."

So, if the UAE turns a blind eye to all of this corruption in its own country, what do you think it will do with our ports?

I am very sorry for the long cut and paste but I feel very strongly about this issue and can't seem to express my concerns any other way.