The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1678999
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
25-Feb-06 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
Carol - I know that human trafficing occurs in the U.S. and Canada, too. In fact, it happens all over the world. I never said otherwise. The problem with the UAE (Dubai in particular) is that only about 20% of the population is actually Arabic and 80% of the population is imported. Thats the entire workforce. Thats why its such a joke to call people who oppose the port deal, racists.

Prostitution is an integral part of the UAE's burgeoning tourist trade. Although the UAE have signed treaties condeming the practice of sexual slavery, it is rampant and unchecked. The police are totally corrupt and turn a blind eye.

I find it very strange that, regardless of human rights abuses, the U.S. allies itself with anyone who will support their so-called war on terrorism. Thats why they haven't cracked down on the Sudanese government. Thats why they made the deal with the UAE. How much easier it will be to launch a war against Iran from the UAE.

I don't see what the Hells Angels have to do with giving our ports to the UAE. Thats just another red herring. I'd like to see some evidence to support that statement.

...and just because human trafficing is a problem here doesn't make it right to open the ports to even more corruption. Its certainly not going to help the problem. Thats like saying we have too many rapists so lets invite rapists.

Do you really want an expansion of the heroin trade and human smuggling? Inviting the worst of the lot to operate our ports is not what I would call a step in the right direction.