The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1679008
Posted By: CarolC
25-Feb-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
The reason the US government doesn't concern itself with other countries' human rights abuses (unless it finds it politically or economically expedient to do so) is because the US government doesn't give a crap about human rights.

The reason I have been taking the stance I am taking on this particular issue is because I smell something very fishy behind all of this outrage over the UAE buying a British company that manages ports. I don't think the people you have been getting your information from are being entirely honest with you. There's more going on here than concern for the integrity of our ports, and a lot of it is based on a very pathological disdain for Arabs (and Muslims) that has become the norm for the US and some other Western countries.

So what I am saying is not, "let's open ports to more corruption", but "let's not continue to feed this pathological disdain for Arabs (and Muslims), because if we do, it will keep getting worse until we end up with a genocide the proportions of which would make the Holocaust look like a picnic.