The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1679047
Posted By: CarolC
26-Feb-06 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
Here's an article about a documentary film made by a woman from Dubai who studied for a while in Canada. She made the film to correct misconceptions about her country by people in other countries...

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Nayla Khaja, 26, a filmmaker now studying in Canada, is riding a sudden crest of fame.

Khaja had grown tired of hearing misconceptions about Dubai, where she grew up. Women are as likely as men to be driving the late-model Jaguars that zip along the avenues here, and blue jeans are as common in the marble shopping malls as the black, cloak-like abayas worn throughout the Persian Gulf region.

Cranes dot Dubai's marina area. The city-state has been filling in the sea to make way for new construction. (Photos Scott Wilson -- The Washington Post)

So she decided to make a documentary, "Unveiling Dubai," a promotional look at her home town as seen through the eyes of a visiting foreigner. She shelled out $30,000 to become Dubai's first female movie producer.

"We are not Saudi Arabia," Khaja said in summarizing the documentary, which made its debut at the Dubai International Film Festival this month before an audience of local leading lights and a few Hollywood stars. "That really is the lesson.