The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1679069
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
26-Feb-06 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
Carol C - The fact that I live in Canada in no way makes me disconnected from what is going on in the world, especially the U.S. The ports deal also involves a Vancouver port on Burrard Inlet, about two miles from where I live.

I'm not even going to answer your cheap shot about bailing out of the U.S. The fact that I was born there makes me as much a citizen as you and entitles me to comment about affairs that effect both the Canada and the U.S. I will say that since moving to Canada, I have been able to see through alot of the propaganda that I grew up with.

So if you aren't going to sit back and take it, what exactly are you going to do about people that think Arabs are subhuman? I moved to Canada, what are you going to do? Sit at your computer and shake your finger at the screen? Sure, there are those who are falling for propaganda about subhuman Arabs (its been going on now since 911) and Bush has been adding fuel to the fire ever since. So what do you do? You support the deal to allow the UAE to control our ports. That puts you in the Bush camp. Real brave of you.

As far as Nayla Khaja is concerned, I doubt if she is one of Dubai's immigrant population which means she is part of the elite that run that country. You don't really think she is one of the 80% that are immigrants do you? Of course she would make a wonderful movie about her hometown - so what? I'd be more interested in a film that exposed the underbelly of Dubai. She's probably just a little too sensitive to show us that kind of slime.

You just don't get it. Some Arabs are just as nasty and ugly as any other gangsters. Just because they're Arabs, doesn't mean they are any kin to the Palestinian people. Do some research, Carol, then come back and convince me that the UAE should be operating ports in the U.S. and Canada.