The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1679416
Posted By: Jeanie
26-Feb-06 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
I can't help with the "doo wop" at the Getaway, Ron, but I just wanted to pull up a chair for a minute to agree with Daylia about having fish in the kitchen and what great table companions they are ! I don't know if they have these in America, but over here in the UK a lot of older houses have a serving hatch between the kitchen and the dining room for plates to be passed through. The house we moved into when I was 10 had a serving hatch that the previous owners had put a tropical fish tank into, and we took it on, having never kept fish before. We had angel fish, catfish, neon tetras, all kinds, each with their own personalities and they made great "dining companions". The kitchen table was right next to the tank, and they'd always come across to have a look and a "chat". The house I moved into last summer had a hatch between the kitchen and living room, which has now been made into a window (handy to see what's going on on TV etc.) and I'm thinking of getting a tank again to put there.

I'm curious about these "Great Rooms", Jerry - I've never heard the term before.

Bye for now,
- jeanie