The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1679511
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
26-Feb-06 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
I think you have misunderstood the plural 'you' with the singular 'you' Carol. I know better than to think that the U.S. government represents all U.S. citizens. Thats a very old argument.

As I've told you before, my new life in Canada was far from easy. It would have been alot easier had I stayed in the U.S. where my family lives. Leaving your family and friends and starting a new life in a new country is never easy, even if you speak the language. Nor was it easy to learn how the government of Canada actually works (or doesn't work) as the case may be.

Its true that as a Canadian I can do very little about U.S. politics but I can and do fight for democracy and human rights from Canada. This particular issue effects Canada and the U.S. alike. In fact, there is very little that the U.S. does that doesn't effect Canada.

I thought personal attacks were frowned upon.

I hope you weren't pointing at me when you say, " What I choose to do about it is to shoot down the arguments of people who spread lies and distortions, and who preach from a position of hypocrisy, like I am doing right now."

Can you be a little more specific, instead of hurling insults?

I'm still waiting for you to provide a source for your statement that said the Hells Angels are involved in human trafficing.