The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1679584
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
26-Feb-06 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
Well, this certainly is thread drift but I did a bit of googling and found that the Hells Angels are deeply involved in the sex trade (mostly they own alot of stripper clubs) and of course, drugs. Seems that they have about 4000 people with ties to the Angels working on the ports and airports to take advantage of the fact that only about 3% of the shipments that are actually checked.

That bit of information does nothing to calm my fear of an increasing drug trade when the UAE starts operating the ports. Its bad enough as it is. We need better port security and I doubt very much if the UAE, according to the reports of corruption in their own country, are going to be doing much about it. Seems to me that they only pay lip service to rules and regulations.

Like I said before, why not just turn the ports over to the Mafia, or in this case, the Hells Angels? Why does anyone think the UAE has any more integrity or the ability to manage our ports better?

As far as human trafficing by the Hells Angels, I haven't found any evidence (lots of speculation) that they are guilty of this. Have they actually been tried and convicted of this offense? If they have, I would like to see the source.

In the meantime, we, as citizens are paying the price for the war on terrorism and yet nobody seems to have done anything to protect our ports since 911. Why is this? Could it be that shipments of drugs and human cargo are essential to the economy and more important than the safety of innocent civilians? Why spend so much money on this so-called war and leave our ports wide open?

Whether or not the UAE is or isn't entitled to operate our ports, I'm glad this has been brought to light. We need better port inspections and its time the U.S. and Canada took this a little more seriously. With wide open ports, why bother with any of the rest of it? Why tap phones? Why demand passports? Why search passengers? Why patrol offshore? Why a war on drugs? Why a war on terrorism?

The government should stop hassling their own citizens, invading other countries and begin doing the job of protecting our ports. Whats the point of offense if you have no defense?