The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88777   Message #1679801
Posted By: Bernard
26-Feb-06 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BBC GMR Axes Community Programmes!
Subject: RE: BBC GMR Axes Community Programmes!
Sorry, Les, been out to the Open Door folk club...!

Yes, I remember that excellent 'Yellowbellies' CD - we played some tracks from it!

I do understand where you're coming from... maybe we should dig deep and see what we can find. There have been many occasions where we have publicised charity events, and we're involved with a particularly tricky one now - Jenny Pope, who disappeared in Ecuador a few short weeks ago... her husband and family have produced a fundraiser CD, which we played a track from last week. They wrote and recorded the songs which are on the CD.

Alio will be able to explain it better... but this is the sort of stuff we should be able to handle, instead of being watered down into 'mainstream' airtime.

We're in the studio as usual tonight (Monday), and will keep you posted of any developments.