The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60248 Message #1679963
Posted By: GUEST,girl scout
26-Feb-06 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose (Traditional)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose (Traditional)
We sing this as a camp song-
Rose, rose, rose, rose
will i ever see thy wed
i will marry at thy will, sire, at thy will
rose, rose, rose, rose
then we also sing it-
hey ho, anybody home
meat and drink and money have i none
still i will be very merry
hey ho, anybody home
but not as one song.. just to the same tune.. the first one is depredding to some of our troop.. yes im a 15 yr old girl scout.. so sue me