The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88777   Message #1680070
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Dowding (at work)
27-Feb-06 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: BBC GMR Axes Community Programmes!
Subject: RE: BBC GMR Axes Community Programmes!
I think a lot depends on the whims and tastes of who's in charge of the station at various times. If you've got a manager that likes folk music then chances are you'll get a folk music programme if you shout loud enough. I think it was years between Mike Billington's prog and Ali's prog - long enough for a change of personnel at the top of the tree. As an analogy - if you like liver and come to my house for tea you won't get liver no matter how many letters and emails you send me!

Have a listen tonight anyway - Ali's got a guest on flogging his new CD - Mark erm something or other....
