The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89116   Message #1680782
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
27-Feb-06 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the UAE?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
Carol C. - I have always spoken out about human trafficing and I know its a world-wide problem. Its not O.K. for Canada or any other country to be involved in this crime. I thought by the examples I provided I had shown that the crimes that had come to light were dealt with and that they did not originate in Canada.

As I said before, "...slavery exists in both countries but the difference is that the UAE has no freedom of the press and no abolitionists because independent human rights groups are banned."

Teribus - How do you keep close tabs on the foreigners when 80% of the population from elsewhere?

jonm - I have never been to the UAE so you probably know the culture better than I do. All I know is:

...that because of its close proximity to S.E. Asia, its a drug transhipment point for trafficers.

It also has a reputation as being the best place to launder money because of its 'anything goes', wide open business climate.

I also know that prostitution (and sex slaves brought to Dubai from 3rd world countries) is an integral part of its booming tourist industry.

...and we all know that Al Qaeda kept bank accounts there and the banks were very reluctant to co-operate with U.S. authorities. We also know that a couple of the hijackers received money from those accounts prior to 911.

I have nothing against the fact that this is an Arab country. I do question why a monarchy with a feudalist society is an ally but we bomb Iraq so they can have Democracy. It just doesn't add up.

When people try to make this into a racist issue or an issue of Nationalism, it only clouds the issue. Why would we want the UAE to manage our ports? Why not give the ports to the Mafia or the Hells Angels?

They don't call Dubai, the Vegas of the Middle East for nothing. As jonm has stated, "Their whole approach to business (and education, punctuality etc.) is wholly different from our own and has to be taken account of in dealings with Arab countries."

I totally agree. Thats why Bush has failed in Iraq. Lets not make another mistake.