The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89222   Message #1681917
Posted By: Skivee
01-Mar-06 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unimaginitive and VERY dull thread.
Subject: RE: BS: Unimaginitive and VERY dull thread.
If somebody had something to say about this...ah, I mean, something to contribute...Like maybe something that they have been thinking about for a long time, and maybe a guy might think that folks could learn from hearing, or...maybe just something to try to explain that stuff that happened...I mean, there was a lot of bad stuff said about it, and bad feelings and... I guess that...ah...
Oh, nevermind...forget I said anything...sorry for taking up your time...I should get back to my rubber band collection.
The ozone is bad for then...makes them get brittle and gummy...then you can't use them...I mean, not that I would because you can't use them in a collection...I mean that would just be a box of rubber bands...not a collection...right?
That's your new oxygen mask, right?
Sorry about your cat...I heard somebody say that he could lose the eye, but you never know about that sort of thing, right?
So I'll just go look at my bands, ok.
Who knew paper clips could do that, okay?
I'll just go now...I'm going...okay?