The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89220   Message #1682082
Posted By: Azizi
01-Mar-06 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are rhetorical questions ruining the BS
Subject: RE: BS: Are rhetorical questions ruining the BS
You're welcome kat.

It seems to me that when the BS threads get real heavy duty, as they have gotten lately [what with discussion of racism, trolls, censorship, war, politics, and other subjects] folks need some lightness to balance things out.

Maybe that's why these play on words and other "silly" threads pop up. They meet a need. And-given the real probablity of thread drift-one never knows where these types of threads will lead.

I've read a number of witty posts on those rhetorical questions and play on words threads that have made me chuckle. I needed that-actually I still need that.

So I thank God for the wit & humor of 'Catters who start such threads, and who post on those types of threads.
