The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88057   Message #1683134
Posted By: Raggytash
02-Mar-06 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk
Just a quick up-date to say that Tyke is starting to respond to his medication and we've managed to get him out of the nice jacket (the one that fastens at the back)He is still concerned about the welfare of the sheep that Jones the Shepherd sent him, which still hasn't collected Jonsey boyo. All being well we may be able to get him off the high security ward before too long, but first we'll have to stop him setting of the fire alarms (twice today already)and then we'll be able to start his sheep aversion therapy Picture of sheep electric shock to genitals, works a treat in most cases. This is our third attempt with Tyke and we are concerned he might be starting to enjoy it. Anyway mustn't carry on too much, Patient confidentiality