The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89274   Message #1683158
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
02-Mar-06 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Wincers
Subject: RE: Wincers
Hey Alan: I've certainly written enough clunkers to feel humble. But like others, I can't remember any of the particularly poor ones.
When I am writing a song, and I have some momentum going, I often will beed a line to complete a verse, and will use seomthing that I know isn't going to work. It's a way to keep what's worth keeping fresh in my mind. Sometimes it turns out that I have to scrap the whole verse because I can't find a suitable line to replace the clunker (not necessarily a wincer.) But often, the line I really need will come to me. It may require changing another line in the verse to make it all work together, but the temporary filler line served its purpose.

I'll start another thread that will be more popular, Alan... lines we liked in songs that never worked..
