The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89297   Message #1683692
Posted By: Alaska Mike
02-Mar-06 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: anti-school songs
Subject: RE: anti-school songs
This one is kind of depressing. I wrote it about the incessant bullying that seems to go on in many schools.

by Mike Campbell 2005

I am frightened,
I don't want to go to school because they'll find me.
They will trip me in the hall, they will knock me to my knees,
And it will hurt and will make me feel weak.

I am so tired,
For I cannot sleep at night because they scare me,
So I lie awake and wonder what they'll do to me,
When they find me again tomorrow.

I mustn't tell,
If I tell on them they say that I'll be sorry,
And I know that they will find a way to beat me,
Even worse than they have beaten me before.

What can I do,
For I fear that this might just go on forever,
And a life that's lived in fear, a life that's lived in fear,
Is not worth living.