The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88825   Message #1684433
Posted By: Mr Happy
03-Mar-06 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Subject: RE: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Opinion yes, Mister minuzioesen Brieftraeger makes an attempt waiting Mr Brieftraeger requires Mr Brieftraeger, seen (OH- yeah) if him a letter in your bag for me (please, ask Mr Brieftraeger) why him ' a long moment (OH- yeah) for me lasting, of this boy my to hear give duty there a word of my friend wegvorwand-Herrn of the factors ' wait and see OH- ' being until now today, if there is a letter, a letter for me to look at and I see have ' await here ' Mr allowed Brieftraeger so patiently for rights a chart or precisely a letter, saying ' that it ' with me (R Mitch (bollard, bollard

Mr. Brieftraeger) why ' a long time (OH- yeah) for me lasting, from this boy from my there to have any word of my friend (A) gives to hear now away pretext gentleman Brieftraeger today centre, if acres, a letter gives a letter for me to look and see I have ' yesterday control room ' Mr. Brieftraeger confessed so patiently for a straight map or a straight letter, saying ', which he returns ' home to tons to me (Mr. Brieftraeger) sees Mr. Brieftraeger, Blick and (OH- yeah) if acres a letter

In Your bag for me (please, Mr Brieftraeger asks) why there ' is to hear a long moment (OH- yeah) for me lasting, of this boy my thus much of days that you see me passed that tears ' did not stop, for feels me ' ' to be in my eyes to better train you, in ' leaving me ' ' a chart or a letter (Mr Brieftraeger) to see Mr Brieftraeger, seen and (OH- yeah) if there ' is continuously ' a letter in your bag for me (please, Mr Brieftraeger asks) why him ' a long moment (why you do not recognize a re-examination him fuehrer corbie, die Laughed, ' in

If eyes mean to stand you did not stop, in order me feel better to educate, by leaving ' ton me a map or a letter (Mr. Brieftraeger) to see Mr. Brieftraeger, Blick and (OH- yeah) if acres a letter in your bag for me (bollard, bollard Mr. Brieftraeger) why acres ' continuously it gives a long time (why you do not see examination and wait a further mark for me, you received), them a minuzioese waiting period a minuzioese waiting period a minuzioese waiting period more minuzioeser (Mr postman) Mr postmen,

To look at you and see you (the EC my livrentla letter who improve Mr Brieftraeger