The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5742   Message #1684793
Posted By: Boab
04-Mar-06 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: Scottish lullabies, please
Subject: RE: Scottish lullabies, please
"Dream Angus"
"Can ye no hush yer weepin,
A' the wee bairns are sleepin,
Birds are a-nestlin', nestlin' the gither,
Dream Angus comes hirplin' oer the heather."

"Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell--
Angus is comin' wi' dreams to sell,
A' the wee birds an' beasts are a-sleepin',
But my bonnie bairn lies weepin', weepin'"

A nice one; there's another verse. Maybe somebody can point to the tune?