The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87684   Message #1684988
Posted By: Ferrara
04-Mar-06 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Birdwatching Challenge
Subject: RE: BS: Birdwatching Challenge
Windsinger, look for a strong black eye strip, a very long, thin bill compared to a sparrow, and a perky tail that the bird tends to hold high. All typical of Carolina wrens.

Every winter, the song sparrows and white throated sparrows seem to flock together here (suburb of Washington, DC). One spring there was a big fight for use of our ornamental yew for nesting. The song sparrows won, and since then the white throats have moved on north when nesting season arrives. The song sparrows stay and sometimes we see the babies in the yard.

We used to have house wrens too, but the Carolina wrens drove them away.