The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19087   Message #1685281
Posted By: chico
04-Mar-06 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: Dominique
Subject: RE: Dominique

Dominique, nique, nique                        Dominique, oh Dominique
S'en allait tout simplement,                He travelled away quite simply
    D                  A7
Routier pauvre et chantant                Taking his route poor and singing
          D                7
En tous chemins, en tous lieux                In all ways, all places
       G               D
Il ne parle que du bon Dieu.                He only speaks about the good lord
       A7               D
Il ne parle que du bon Dieu.

      G                  D
A l'�poque o� Jean Sans Terre                At the epoch when John without land
       A7          D
D'Angleterre �tait roi,                        Over England was the king
Dominique, notre P�re,                        St Dominic our father,
Combattit les Albigeois.                 Fought the Albegensiens

Certain jour un h�r�tique                One day an heretic,
Par des ronces le conduit,                Among the thorns forced him to crawl
Mais notre P�re Dominique                Our father Dominique
Par sa joie le convertit.                 By his joy did convert him

Ni chameau, ni diligence,                Neither camel, nor diligence
Il parcourt l'Europe � pied.                He travels all around Europe on foot,
Scandinavie ou Provence                        Scandinavia to Provence
Dans la sainte pauvret�.                In saintly poverty

Enflamma de toute �coles                Ignited with their schooling
Filles et gar�ons pleins d'ardeur,        Girls and boys filled with ardour
Et pour semer la Parole                        And to sow the Word
Inventa les Fr�res Pr�cheurs.                 Invented the Brother-Preachers

Chez Dominique et Ses Fr�res                Master Domenic and his brothers
Le pain s'en vint � manquer                The bread was not there [from begging]
Et deux anges se pr�sent�rent,                And two angels are did present him
Portant deux grands pains dor�s.        Carrying two large golden bread loaves

Dominique vit en r�ve                        Domenica lives in dream
Les pr�cheurs du monde entier,                The preachers of the entire world,
Sous le manteau de la Vierge                Under the mantle of the Virgin
En grand nombre rassembl�s.                In great number assembled.

Dominique, mon bon P�re,                Domenica, my good Father,
Garde-nous simples et gais                Keep us simple and gay
Pour annoncer � nos fr�res                For to announce to our brothers
La Vie et La V�rit�.                        Life and the Truth.

[By Jeanne Deckers, 1933-1985. #1 US hit in 1963. Playfully describes St. Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican (Blackfriars) order, and

his participation in the Albigensian Crusade, (1209-1229), known for its extreme violence and brutality by the catholic crusaders against the

dissendent Cathars of southern gallia. The town of Beziers was 'raped' and its ten-thousand inhabitants slaughtered. A painting of 1475 by Pedro

Berruguete was entitled "Saint Dominic de Guzman presiding over an Auto-da-fe against Albigensians".]