The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88777   Message #1686308
Posted By: Mark Dowding
06-Mar-06 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: BBC GMR Axes Community Programmes!
Subject: RE: BBC GMR Axes Community Programmes!
If we don't keep half an eye on the past then we go blindly into the future.

From the article:

Coun Hollern told detractors: "If there is a cheaper way of providing something, we have to do it.

"Times change and those who criticise have to accept that. We don't have a hangman anymore either, because it's not something we do.

"Nor do we employ a gas lighter-upper because we don't need him to light up our street lamps anymore. We can't stay in the past.

"I don't believe there will be any loss of service or facility.

"We aren't selling the Lewis building, but we will lease it out. Councils have to continually find more cost-efficent ways of running.

"It will continue to be an asset to the borough, as it was intended to be when it was given to us as a gift."

Tory leader Council Colin Rigby said: "It is a classic case of the council putting up tax and reducing services.

"It does not send a very good message to people that not even the council is preserving history."

Lib Dem leader Coun Paul Browne said: "They never told us they were going to open it again, and now they're shutting it on the quiet.

"It's a disgrace that the history of the town's industry now does't deserve its own museum according to the Labour lot.

"That building was a gift to the borough as were the exhibitions. They should remain that way. They weren't given to us to make money from."