The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89222   Message #1686834
Posted By: autolycus
06-Mar-06 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unimaginitive and VERY dull thread.
Subject: RE: BS: Unimaginitive and VERY dull thread.
Y'know - er -er - I -er -er -er was just thinj=king (bit like thinking only spelt better - er -where was I? -um - well - y'kmow, Iwas , in a manner of speaking, as it were , or was, (never was too sure abi#out that) - anyway -as I was saying, er- I was just thinking. Yup, that's about the size of it - I was just thinking - not um (cough)- not- hang on a's OK he's gone now - bloody Godot, always passing through - ah, yes right, well, as I say I was , in the grammatically faultless manner of the grammatically faultless, whose grammar, let's be honest about this, just, well, can't be (Waiiiiiiiiiit for it - ta) faulted, thinking.Now thinking - er -er -er -er -er isn't , is it? Not really, anyway. so, that'll be time for bed sans teeth , sans cocoa, sans meaning, probably - is THAT the time, goodness me.

If that was too interetsing, or imaginative, or interetsing or imaginative at all, then I'm sorryI've failed. Please accept meapologies. I apologise from the bottom of my heart abd my ex's bottom,too.
