The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87651   Message #1686914
Posted By: nosluap57
06-Mar-06 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: North Texas Irish Festival 2006
Subject: RE: North Texas Irish Festival 2006
Jed was great, as always. Sure do miss the opportunity to see hom more often (I live in MN). Enjoyed talking to him in the hotel lobby, and I hope he has a great year (no more cancelled festivals). I should have mentioned to him that the beautiful girl who he descibed as my "date" was my wife, which, I guess really was my date!

The weather was about the best I can recall - mid 70's both days. Got to see old friends, make a few new ones, have a couple of nice talks with a few musicians, and hear some tremendous music.

As Jed implied, the crowd set an attendance record. Guess we all get to do it again next year for the big twenty-fifth annual. I am hearing it is going to be an incredible lineup.