The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89396 Message #1686932
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
06-Mar-06 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: happy? - Mar 6 (the Alamo, remember?)
Subject: RE: happy? - Mar 6 (the Alamo, remember?)
Out on the wide spread battle plain
The horseman's hand can bare restrain
The pampered steed that spurs the rein - remember the Alamo
Now boot and saddle draw your sword
Unfurl your banners bright and broad
and as ye strike the murderous horde - remember the Alamo
Then sounds the thrilling bugle blast
We charge from rank to rank at last
And as our sabre strokes fall fast - remember the Alamo
Heed not the Spanish battle yell
With every blade we give them hell
And let them fall as Crockett fell - remember the Alamo
To every ball and every thrust
To prisoners for his bloody lust
A Mexican shall bite the dust - remember the Alamo
On San Jacinto's bloody field
Our drums and trumpets loudly pealed
We made the bloody bastard yield - remember the Alamo
A rousing sight to a rebel's eye
See the tyrant's legions fly
From the Texian battle cry - remember the Alamo