The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89080   Message #1687444
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
07-Mar-06 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Strawbs' Part of the Union
Subject: RE: Strawbs' Part of the Union
Whey Alan!! If ye've gorrit on vinyl it must be worth a forchoon - Aa've gorrit on reconstituted CD!

Dave Cousins said at the gig two years ago tharrif ennyboddy had a copy of 'From The Witchwood' on vinyl that they're worth aboot £30 on the market - He wez reet miffed coz he's not gorra copy - Can ye imagine that? Aah've still gorra boora hundred copies of my forst album under the bed (Ninety six actually after I gave aall me friends and family a copy from the first press of a hundred)