The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85194   Message #1687541
Posted By: Purple Foxx
07-Mar-06 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: secular humanism
Subject: RE: BS: secular humanism
There is a Humanist Party in the U.K.(
Though I sometimes wonder if we won't end up with a situation where every person in Britain who is of the "Left"( in the broadest possible sense of the term) might end up with a party each.
Every year the number of such parties seems to increase but the membership doesn't.
As far as our own Schools go that would be divisive.
Also we have a State Religion & an unsympathetic Government.
WYSIWYG.the alternatives,possibilities & choices include Christianity.
It is for the individual to evaluate what is right for them.
I am not down on Christianity per se (I am very happily married to a practicing Christian)
However I don't think many Christians could give an impartial or objective inroad into Humanist thought.
The original message in this thread is a reminder of that.
The term "Proselytising" has developed negative connotations now.
"Believe exactly as I do or burn in hell." is not a great pair of options.