The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89396 Message #1687873
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
07-Mar-06 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: happy? - Mar 6 (the Alamo, remember?)
Subject: RE: happy? - Mar 6 (the Alamo, remember?)
Abby Sale - the bit I submitted above is also by T.A.Durriage - with modification. I was involved in a stage show a few years back and uncovered what I came to refer to as "The Alamo - Tutie Tattie" and "San Jacinto - Tutie Tattie" - the former being written by the above writer, I believe, shortly after the Alamo battle, and the latter being written shortly after the San Jacinto battle by some who fought there. Both sets of words were written to the melody, "Tutie Tattie," used in the tune, "Scots Wha Hae."
The above was basically an effort on my part to put the two "Tutie Tattie's" together, remove the duplicate bits and some of the Alamo stuff and make it a San Jacinto tune; this, because we had two Alamo songs and were in need of a San Jacinto song.
OwlKat - I can't even begin to digest your stuff today. We could likely sit down and spend weeks discussing the Alamo and then months on Texas history followed by years on U.S. history and a lifetime on the rest. In the meantime - I'm just singing a song. Let's hope that the song will conjur up an interest in a given listener to investigate the truth and bring it to the light for others to share. Meanwhile, I'll just keep on diggin' up songs, singin' em and trying to make a living. Cheers, you all.