The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89388   Message #1687999
Posted By: Skivee
08-Mar-06 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Airport Story
Subject: RE: BS: An Airport Story
" I like bats",she said.
"I wonder what they eat here. You would think that they wouldn't get enough insects in these closed up areas."
Wilkins was only half listening. His mind flashed back across 45 years to a night filled with flying foxes, dark rum, and a beautiful island woman named Chongo.
"I think the first door is over here."
He reached for the keys and selected the first one.
"Shouldn't you be getting back to the kiosk?"
"Naaah, this is the deadest time of night. I won't sell another cup till the 4:35 from Toledo lands.
It's either skulk around with you or dive into my Annuls of Parasitic Microbiology. I've got three hours to be your co-explorer".
"Suit yourself".
As he turned the key, he thought he could feel something in the room beyond.
The door creaked open.
The only light was an red emergency exit light burning across a vast space.
Priscilla lamp played across a sculpted silver shape in the darkness.
"What the hell is that"? Her voice was filled with awe.
"Dunno,"Wilkins lied, "I've never seen anything like it".
As they approached in the cavernous dark, blue pinpoint light began to faintly outline a strange shape, and a very quiet hum spoke to them...called them forward.