The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1688635
Posted By: Bobert
08-Mar-06 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
We brought both blood root and wild geraanium with us when we moved but it's not up yet but with the weatherman calling for 60's and 70 degree temps over ther next week I reckon they'll be pokin' their heads out to see the new place...

I have found an old logging road about 150 feet back in the woods which is kinda hard to see but its defiantely a road so I'll get back there and start opening it up to I can get up the mountain some...

The folks 'round here saw that the morels grow up there... Most don't know much about wildflowers but I'm bettin' that we'll have a ll kinds of wildflowers to go with what we've brought up here...

Oh, we do have about a hundred frogs who decided that winter was over and are swiming 'round in the run-off pond...

We've been cleaning out 'round the pond becuase last year it was too overgrown to actually get to it without a struggle... But I've run the tractor a couple full days and have got the entire area cleaned up real nice and will at least ge some grass growin' 'round it fir this summer and maybe a couple azalea beds since we have over 200 azalea plants ready to go outside to live that we have grown from cuttings...

More later....

Hope everyone is enjoying thre coming of spring... We sho nuff are...
