The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89396   Message #1688863
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
09-Mar-06 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: happy? - Mar 6 (the Alamo, remember?)
Subject: RE: happy? - Mar 6 (the Alamo, remember?)
Sorry, guys. I did three shows today, it's late, and I'm two steps from the bed; but damn, wouldn't you think I'd know by now that hitting the "enter" key does not move you down - it moves you out!

Mr. Suffet - thought you might like to know that I use your song as
part of my Alamo set. There is some dispute down here over Rose and whether or not he even existed; but hell, they're still arguing about
the Yellow Rose and who ever the hell she was - and that's been going on for years and years. Good song though, and it fits right in with all of the other Alamo lore. I haven't released it on disc yet, so you don't get any bucks - but hang in there, who knows what lurks around the bend? Cheers.