The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17455   Message #168952
Posted By: Mikal
26-Jan-00 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Speakeasy
Subject: RE: Mudcat Speakeasy
(Dressed in a tux that shouts "undertaker", and leaning on the bar with a determined slouch is a largish man. His face would probably be far more pleasant without the beard, and the long hair pulled behind and left in a pony-tail seems odd and almost effeminate.

Still the dollar Havana that seems to be pouring out blue smoke and the largish bulge beneath his left arm leave little doubt as to which side of the street he walks on. Most folks here know the old boy as Michael. Last names don't get used much around him. If they ask, its "Shaw, like the author.")

Another of the "fruit-pops" my good man. I am waiting for a client, and I need something to keep me calm. No, not the red, the white. I understand it comes from Missouri, around the Weston area.

Did someone say there was a torch singer? I would love something sad and low down right now.
