The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88918   Message #1691170
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
12-Mar-06 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: CDs from old cassettes
Subject: RE: CDs from old cassettes
Thanks for all you've done, Maggie (and all the rest.) Yes, there is always plenty of help here in the pond.

I bought an Epson printer last week (part of the discussion on another thread I started) and am anxious to get it up and running. I have three CDs ready to put out ... two done with the software discussed here, and I'm anxious to get to work.

These last three days, we've torn our house apart, clearing out our dining room, Master bedroom and a long haulway and have sanded, striped down and stained the floors. Tomorrow we put the sealer on and then start applying the polyurethane. Four layers later and two or three days to let the floor "cure" and we can put things back where they were. I figure that a week from this Monday, we'll be normal human beings again, and I can get back to my music projects..
