The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1691177
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
12-Mar-06 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hey Ron: Is there really a Moorestown, and a Morristown too? I served one year's apprenticeship at the Newark Museum in the early 60's, and spent several months developing an exhibit on Thomas Edison. That gave me an opportunity to travel around the state, collecting objects and photographs for the exhibition. New Jersey is a very beautiful state (forget the Jersey Turnpike, i'ts really part of New York City.) I must admit that one time when I had my sons in the car heading down the Jersey Turnpike when a sudden gusty rainstorm blew up. It put all that fine red clay swirling into the air, where it mixed with the rain, and it was actually raining red mud. My sons thought that it was the most hilarious thing they'd ever witnessed. That aside, I really loved the countryside in New Jersey.

When I finished by year at the Newark Museum, I was offered a job at three Museums. One was the museum in Morristown, New Jersey. It was tempting, because the town is very beautiful. I was also offered a job at the Boston Children's Museum, which would have given me the opportunity to work for Mike Spock, but the position wouldn't be opening up for a couple of months and I was out of work and had gotten into the habit of eating. I ended up taking a position at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center in Connecticut, and as it turned out, I believe I made the right decision.

Occasionally, I get things right.
