The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89639   Message #1692271
Posted By: BB
13-Mar-06 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: Celtic Connections (BBC)
Subject: RE: Celtic Connections (BBC)
If you like that sort of thing... But why wasn't he playing to an audience?

'Celtic Connections' seems to be more and more a misnomer, or perhaps I've misunderstood the name.

It was good to hear anything vaguely folk on TV, but my problem was that that is exactly what it all was - vaguely folk. And where was the audience participation? Even when Old Blind Dogs were encouraging the audience to join in with what has to be a well-known chorus, they failed to do so.

OK, so I'm probably being a grumpy old woman, but to me this is not what the music should be about.