The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89639   Message #1692377
Posted By: Tootler
13-Mar-06 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Celtic Connections (BBC)
Subject: RE: Celtic Connections (BBC)
I enjoyed the programme, but was not that impressed with RT. I enjoyed Buille (have I spelt it right). Good demo of what you can do with an Anglo Concertina to compare with my fumbling efforts . Also after the disaster of Women of Albion, good to see Eliza Carthy on good form with her band.

On the downside, breaking up numbers with interviews was irritating and also too many views of singers' tonsils. Why don't they show more of the musicians rather than just the singer's face all the time. I was dying for a good look at the button accordion in Les Yeux Noirs but they kept flicking past it.