The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1694135
Posted By: GUEST,Jim
15-Mar-06 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Great thread!

Al Kirby and I (Kirby & Yates) released a CD last year called SITTIN' IN THE KITCHEN. The cover photo was taken in a pioneer kitchen at Lang Pioneer Village, near Keene Ontario where we play a regular gig. The title song was written by one of my favourite Canadian singer/songwriters, Bob Snider. I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread yet, but it should be:

SITTION' IN THE KITCHEN       by Bob Snider

Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite thing to do
I said, Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite thing to do
Well you can dine at the ritz
you can lie on the beach
but I like everything right in reach
I said, Sittin in the kitchen thats what I like to do

Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite place to be
lookin out the window, admiring the scenery
you got a smoke stack here, ventlator there
television areals every where else
Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite where I like to be

my little kitchen has every thing I re-quire
its got a pot and a stove, and a light bulb hangin on a wire
I got meat balls simmerin, the lights on low
cause I got myself a dimmer and an even glow
I said, Sittin in the kitchen, you can¹t beat that for nothin

I usta have a room full of chickens come home to roost
I never have to go far to cook my goose
Well I¹d stay there till the cows come too
but if they look in the refridgerator they¹ll beat me black an blue
I said, Sittin in the kitchen thats what I like to do

I thought of going out once but I threw a party instead
we had dancing in the livin room , coats all on the bed
well the radio played the music and I played the host
long as I didn¹t have to leave the place like most
Sittin in the kitchen thats where I was all night long

there was a time when I roamed this land
it was pillar to post,Paul to Peter and hand to hand
it was rain, sleet & snow in ferenheight & celcius
I didn't have a kitchen so I used sombody else-cious
Well, Sittin in the kitchen I never get tired of that

Well I was sittin in the kitchen wailin' on the old guitar
I¹m thinkin of becoming the worlds most famous rock n roll star
well I 'd give it a shot, draw lose or win
but I dont think I can fit everybody in
cause sittin in the kitchenm is the only place I'd want to do somethin like that

Well Sittin in the kitchen all I want on my plate is chow
I 'm wishin I was Sittin in my kitchen right about now
I'll pick up a pizza from a joint up the street
cause I hate to cook but I love to eat
Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite thing
I can even hear the telephone ring ..sometimes
Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite thing to do
Sittin in the kitchen is my favorite thing to do

I just googled the words to save myself the bother of typing them out again, so they're not exactly how I (or Bob Snider) sings 'em, but you get the idea.