The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89717   Message #1694194
Posted By: Alio
15-Mar-06 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: Folk Programme Axed!
Subject: Folk Programme Axed!
If you've been following the other thread, this will come as no surprise I suspect.

I received this letter today from John Ryan, Managing Editor for BBC GMR (soon to be called something different!!):

The time has come to announce the future of evening programming on BBC GMR. I know there has been much speculation recently following preliminary discussions, and I wanted to let you know as soon as a final decision was made (I don't believe he knew only 2 weeks before the end of March!!).
I am sorry to tell you that we will have no further requirement for Sounds of Folk. The station is withdrawing from specialist music shows to concentrate on our core talk-based programming.
We would like to find a way of reflecting Folk events and clubs in the output (no mention of music then?). I will call you soon to see if you would like to maintain a a paid relationship with the station to achieve this.
I would like your show to continue up to and including the end of March. This is on the understanding that you make no reference to the programme changes on the air until your final programme (there may not be a show next week anyway because of football!!).
I know this has been a tricky and uncertain period for everyone involved in specialist and community programming on BBC GMR, and that losing your show will be a blow.
Thank you for the hard work and effort you have invested in Sounds of Folk.

So there you have it! Very sad - what will I do now with my evenings? I normally spend 2 /3 of them preparing the show, emailing artists, finding out about all the diary dates etc.! The good news is that my team and I have been invited to do a regular programme for Radio Brit Folk, and also a weekly programme for the new Oldham Community Radio station from the autumn.

Thanks everyone for all your support.

Ali x