The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89717   Message #1694530
Posted By: Bernard
15-Mar-06 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: Folk Programme Axed!
Subject: RE: Folk Programme Axed!
We aren't at liberty to reveal the 'new' name GMR will have, though the words 'Radio' and 'Manchester' feature heavily... and 'Greatewr' has been relegated to obscurity!

A giant leap - backwards!! Either it will cost a fortune to 're-brand', or they have been saving all the old letterheads, etc., for such an eventuality.

How can they justify their actions in the light of the recent negotiations for retaining the licence fees for another ten years?

I'm still at a loss the understand why we had to wait to be told two weeks before our last broadcast, when decisions like this are made months, probably years in advance.

Answers on a postcard...