The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1694573
Posted By: Naemanson
15-Mar-06 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Speaking of views out of kitchen windows... Our table (here in Guam) sits next to the window looking at the back yard. There is a high bank about twenty feet out. The jungle stops at the top of the bank. My wife once dedicated herself to cutting back that jungle and was pretty successful for a time. Now the wild chickens, or should I say feral chickens, spend a lot of time up there. We have a family flock that hangs out, scratching for food and squabbling over things, in that area. There is one huge white rooster that is definitely in charge. He keeps the others in line and makes sure the other two roosters don't fertilize any of his hens.

The trees out there are mostly mango, coconut palm, and tagentangen. There are no houses out there because the ground slopes very steeply up to the top of the mountain. Wehn the mangoes ripen we sit at the table enjoying mango in our meals and blessing the day we deicded to rent this place. We often dream of buying it.