The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89717   Message #1694583
Posted By: GUEST,clogger
15-Mar-06 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: Folk Programme Axed!
Subject: RE: Folk Programme Axed!
"that makes them accountable"
Dont make me laugh! The whole setup STINKS!
Theoreticaly WE own the Beeb .... but it must be keped secret from US untill too late! Even Beswick would not let anyone talk about it beforehand..... but the decision has just been made?
The only concilation, is that Folkies have a long memory and although we tend to be quiet, we do hold opinions! Maybe a "letter to my local M.P." would do some good? worth a try anyway!
All the best Alli + Bernard
yours 1 naffed off folk1e