The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1695044
Posted By: Gervase
16-Mar-06 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Will scientists ever take full responsibility for all of the horrible consequences of their activities? Maybe someday. But I'm not holding my breath. ANd rest assured till that day comes (if it ever does), there's always be plenty of minions about to help pass the buck and continue deluding the public.

Deluding the public? It's what astrology is all about!
Of course you'd be happier without all those nasty scientists messing up your lovey fluffy make-believe world and pointing out the fatuous absurdity of your beliefs.
And doing nasty things like discovering analgesics so you can have your kids with less pain, and antibiotics so you don't die when you have an infection, and...
But no, they're all the work of horrible scientists. Like the computer you're using to post your drivel, lke the devices you use arund the house to give you time to believe in fairies and green-cheese mons, like the...*sigh*
But perhaps you really would rather live back in the dark ages where superstition and ignorance ruled, where irritants like Bagpuss could be condemned as heretics by the hysterical, and where you could peddle your absurd nonsense for the benefit of the gullible?

To recap what appears to be your position...
"*YAWNNN* lalalala. I'm not going to listen. I'm not going to post any more. Oh yes I am. I'm going to stick my head in the ground with my fingers in my ears. Lalalala. I don't care cos I've got lots of people who DO believe this tripe. Your posts are so juvenile and TIRESOME. I'm not going to listen. No, honestly, I'm not. See, I'm not listening. No. I.AM.SO.NOT.LISTENING! Am I bovvered? Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn. You talk about apples, but I know oranges are made of cheese. "

And to paraphrase: Call yourself an astrologer. Do they let people in from kindergarten to do that sort of thing?
Oh. Clearly they do... In fact, I'll be one myself. Let me pull up a chair and look at the tables...
Ah yes. You were born under a cloud of ignorance, with pseudoscience ascendant. We can be spot-on about the time because your birth was induced as the ob-gyn was playing golf in the afternoon. Your umbilical cord was cut after you drew your first breath, but the nurse didn't log the time for another five minutes. And the clock was fast.
Hmm. I see clearly now. None of this matters yet all of this makes you credulous, gullible and overly defensive of an insecure position.