The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1695085
Posted By: Bagpuss
16-Mar-06 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
"That snapshop displays all of your potentials and tendencies, be they recoginized or unrecognized, interpreted correctly or incorrectly, latent, or manifested, or in the process of becoming manifested - as your life circumstances and free will allow. "

But surely, if a group of people is born with certain tendencies and potentials, then the manifestation of those tendencies will be more common that those born with different tendencies. Otherwise it really isn't a tendency at all, is it?

For example, I may be born with a genetic tendency to suffer from depression. Now all sorts of other things will affect whether this tendency is displayed in my life, like my family upbringing, negative life events, even the undefinable "free will". But still if you compare groups born with this genetic predisposition or tendency with those who do not have it, you will find more sufferers in the first group than the latter one. The genetic predisposition does dot cause me to have depression, I may or may not display it in my life, but the relationship is still measureable and therefore amenable to science.

You still havent addressed the question of more expert astrologers than yourself agreeing that certain things about astrology are amenable to testing. You seem so certain of your facts and your interpretation of astrology, that maybe now you suddenly decide you are an expert after all, and more expert than those I have mentioned?