The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1695239
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Mar-06 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
This thread is truly about nothing more than the endless predilection of various self-important egos to assert themselves over other self-important egos whom they perceive as lesser than themselves or threatening to their identity (or both). If you would all just develop enough humility to swallow your pride and leave each other alone and SHUT the FUCK UP, it would end.

The relative merits of Astrology are a really trivial issue compared to a number of the more world-threatening issues daylia mentioned in one of her posts back there. I mean, REALLY trivial!

But what is NOT trivial to the people who keep returning here is their fucking ego victory, is it?

Think of the time you've already all wasted on it. Look at my time I am now wasting by telling you how I feel about it. It's not funny. These are our lives going by here, browbeating each other uselessly over our fucking prejudices and utterly vain opinions about stuff that doesn't matter at all anyway, just for a moment's petty satisfaction that, "Oh, I really nailed her THAT time..."

Good lord. It's pitiful is what it is. This forum is becoming a refuge of the mentally addicted and trivially inane.

Daylia, wouldn't it do your life more good to just ignore them all, go play the piano, take a walk, eat a nice meal? Pretty soon they'd all get bored and go away if you did. Competitive ego needs a response to feed on. If you give it none, it wanders off in search of something else to chew on.

But no, the horrid fascination keeps drawing you back, just like it does me, to view once again the auto wreck at the side of the highway that is this thread.

Curiosity killed the cat, didn't it?

(what joy for the troll that started the thread...way back when...)