The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17441   Message #169558
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Jan-00 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: Simulcast celtic and folk show
Subject: RE: Simulcast celtic and folk show
And, ya know that ommmmmmm, well ya inTONE it just right, and I'll bet we can shatter all them crystals ya got in thet Ollllldddddd equipment you try to pass off to unsuspecting luddites-turned-Pee See'ers.



P.S. Ken & Kim, your thread is experiencing what some call thread creep but others prefer to call thread drift. One can generally count on almost any thread going off on several tangents, a sort of freefall of associations among the fertile minds of the Mudcat, before it is truly done for. So....consider yourselves one of us and know that you've been thread drfited!