The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89613   Message #1695799
Posted By: Dave'sWife
16-Mar-06 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day
Subject: RE: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day
Azizi - laugh about the Black Irish but let me tell you something you may not have known:

A number of Irishmen left Ireland and went to fight the English in South Africa during the Beor war. The idea being, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Some stayed and married African women. One of the fellows imprisoned during Apratheid, last name of McBride, is descended from one of those fellows. I think his name is John McBRide and his great grandfather was Willie Mcbride. I could be wrong on the n ames, but not on the circumstances.

It is very common to find African-Americans of Irish descent in The United States due to the fact that Freedmen and irishmen often worked at the same jobs and were social equals. I have a few friends in my congregation who have Irish Great grandfathers (from ireland) who were "white" and yet, they self-identify as African American due to skin color.

Of course, that's not what anyone means when they refer to "Black irish" but I thought I'd toss it in for your amusement.

If you are ever in los Angeles Azizi, come to my house and I'll make you Apple Dumplings!